Thursday, October 21, 2010


We have started a new bedtime routine. We both felt bad for taking Jackson upstairs and rocking him for awhile and then putting him into bed. We wanted a little more out of are night time. So, Craig looked on the Internet for a book that we could use as his bedtime book and nothing else. Boy did he ever find an awesome book for Jackson. He loves trains and the moon, so what could be better than this book? Nothing, at least to Jackson. The book stays upstairs next to the rocking chair and he will tell you night night train when you sit down. You know, in case we forgot that we are supposed to read the train book.

Now the night time lasts a little longer and is not so anti climactic. It gives Jackson a little bit longer to wind down from the day and it gives us a little more cuddle time. I can use a little more cuddle time. It seems like night time is the only time now that he allows me to cuddle with him. During the day he is way more interested in playing or reading. Jackson just cannot be bothered with cuddle time anymore, he has got important stuff to do.

Since Craig has been gone this week, I have added a new addition to the routine. I let Jackson turn out his light. However, as the week has gone on it has progressed from turning out the light to turning out the light and telling me it is dark. Thanks kiddo, I did not realize the room was now pitch black. The kid cracks me up.


Cimi said...

I like this. :)

Sheree said...

ditto cimi

Shaun & ShawnnaLea said...

OMG, that book looks AWESOME for my best friend's son. He loves trains and adores books. I will have to add that to my Christmas shopping list!

We have a bed-time only book for Amelia - It's Time For Bed - appropriately by and Australian author. I LOVE the book but already have it memorized so have to force myself to turn the pages and not just recite it from memory. Luckily I can let her turn the pages and I just continue on when it's not worth the fight to bed on the right page.

Enjoy your extra snuggles. Amelia is only 7 months and already a squirmy worm unless there's a boob in her mouth so I hear where you're coming from!