Friday, December 17, 2010


Just wanted to say a bit about recent events. Well Jackson got somewhere between 6-8 teeth at the same time, then followed that with a couple of canines and once they cut through two more molars decided to make their way to the surface. All this plus a double ear infection and pneumonia made for one cranky kid. Having said that Jackson did pretty well on the trip to Orlando. its was amazing to see him try to be like his cousins, if his cousin was putting together a puzzle he needed to help, when the puzzle became a train and started driving around the house, Jackson made sure he was a part of the action. Likewise while at the zoo, when the cousins were running around, Jackson in no way wanted to be held, but as soon as one of them wanted to be held, so did Jackson. Despite the chaos he did very well for a two year old. Went to the ENT yesterday and after waiting for 2 hours Jackson will be getting tubes in his ears, so hopefully we can reduce the steady diet of antibiotics he gets. Well that's about all i got for now, hope everyone has a great x-mas.

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