Monday, March 7, 2011


A lot of people have asked me about my dreams for Jackson since he was born. I honestly tell them I do not have dreams for Jackson, and they do not understand my answer. They think all parents have dreams for their children. They want their children to grow up to be doctors, lawyers, or something along those lines. Or they dream about the family that their children might one day have. I have never had these thoughts about Jackson. Sure, I would love for him to be any of those things or an artist or a military man (to carry on the tradition of our families). But I do not dream these things for him. I think it is important for him to have his own dreams and aspirations. What I would want for him should not get in the way of the person he wants to become.

From before Jackson was born, I have said my only job is to raise a good human being. A productive member of society. Whatever he chooses to be is a bonus if I can accomplish my "job". Now, how am I to do this? You got me. I have no idea. At this point I am winging it. Right now, we are working on manners. This is very important to Craig and me. Please. Thank you. Being kind to our friends, this includes Buddy. Listening to what is said. Obeying what he is told. These are the constants we stress in our house. I think a lot of people think these things are automatic. That somehow a child just knows that they should be saying these things. But, come to find out, it is the constant use of them that gets a child to use them as second nature.

But I digress. Dreams. I wonder what Jackson will dream for himself. Whatever it is, I want it to be what he wants and not something that Craig and I dream for him.

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