Thursday, March 31, 2011


Jackson is on a singing kick lately. He likes to listen to his Veggie Tales CD and sing along. But only to certain songs, heaven forbid we actually listen to the whole CD. Why not listen to track 1 on repeat for an entire 30 minute car ride? That is not annoying at all.

Now I complain about this, but it is truly easy to tune out that CD. The situation gets a little tricky when Jackson starts calling out the tracks that he would like to listen to next. "Buffalo!" "Bebu!" (Bebu, is translated to The Song of the Cebu.) When requests start being demanded I have to be on my A-game. The requests can be changed midway through a track search, so I have to be on my toes and not tuning out what is happening in the car.

The CD demands have now taken a turn to, momma and daddy singing demands.

Take for instance this morning. It was demanded that momma sing Twinkle Twinkle about 125,548 times. I tried to convince Jackson the ABC song would be more fun, but he did not fall for the suggestion. Twinkle, twinkle, little star ... Over and over and over. I could tell that even Buddy was getting annoyed with the song selection. Jackson, not so much.

The only hard part about singing in the car is when Jackson requests an interactive song like The Itsy Bitsy Spider. That is a little hard to do while operating a motor vehicle. I usually have Jackson do the motions and I sing the song on repeat. It is rather cute to see Jackson nodding his head along with the song. But it would be a whole lot cuter if he would sing himself.

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