Monday, March 28, 2011

Are Weekend Naps a Thing of the Past?

I think we are about done with weekend naps. The past couple weekends Jackson has either not taken a nap or slept for a short period of time. I do not think he understands the importance of sleep ... for his parents. Craig and I love nap time. We look forward to the weekends because we know that a nap will be in our future. Jackson still naps during the week, thankfully. I think a packed full of fun school morning would lead to a very not packed full of niceness 2 year old. He needs his week day naps, and I think his grandmothers still like them as well. I am hoping that Craig and my's persistance of putting Jackson in his room will everntually lead back to naps. Nice two to three hour early afternoon naps. I do not think he is at an age yet where we can bribe him with outside time (his favortie, you know). One day that will work, just not now.

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